NEW k800i virus detected!
K800i /SteD.handgun@MSMS
Virus Fact Sheet
Type : Deadly Virus
SubType : SMS
Discovery Date : 2006-11-30
Length : Varies
Minimum DAT : N/A
Minimum Engine : N/A
Description Added :
Risk Assessment
Corporate User - Extremely Low-Profiled
Home User - Extremely Low-Profiled
The risk assessment was lowered to extremely low due to a decrease in occurence.
This is a mass SMS virus with the following characteristics:
- Mass sends blank SMS to the first contact in your phone book
- Occurs only when you're driving at a certain speed
- Does not replicate itself to other handphones
- Only infects phones with height of more than 100mm
- 'Sent' folder of handphone consists more than 1 blank SMS
- SMS are always sent to the same person
Method of infection
When you're driving and you feel uncomfortable putting your handphone inside your pocket. At the same time, you feel insecure to put your handphone on the dashboard fearing it might drop off when the car sways when you drive. Then you spotted just a good spot that is just right for your situation...
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Subsequently, you think you're very smart as your k800i is 105mm in height which is slightly longer than the placeholder. So, without much thinking, you put your handphone in the placeholder without turning on the keylock on, slanting.

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At this very moment, you will trigger the virus whenever you make a successful turning on the street. Once the virus is triggered, SMS will be send out to every subsequent turning you make. I dont quite understand physics but I figured out that it's the principle of Inertia that made my handphone keypad pressed against the wall of the placeholder thus sending out mass SMS.
Removals / Prevention
- Always have your keylock on
- Place your handphone somewhere else
- Make your car turning at a very low speed
- Create a dummy contact in your address book so that SMS will not be successfully sent out
P/S: It really happened to me before, I only realized it when my friend in KL called me up and asked me why I sent him so many blank SMS. Maxis will surely be darn happy to have an idiot customer that sends mass blank SMS out!
oo am lar..virus hiong..
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