I got too close to the sun and I got burnt once again....down...
Thanks abi and Wayne for accompanying me until 7am at mcD.
I got too close to the sun and I got burnt once again....down...
Thanks abi and Wayne for accompanying me until 7am at mcD.
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/31/2007 03:03:00 PM
The ST 'tattoo' I've mentioned earlier, was an air brush. wahhahahaha
I'm still sane and conscious don't worry guys :)
It's a result of 'itchyness' when I followed Alex to have his airbrush done prior to his Bangkok trip. I was thinking to crack a joke with my gang of friends and see how they react when they found out I tattoo'ed her name haha and it was really quite hilarious >.<
A lot of Banglas were watching him out of curiosity.
End result, RM30, last 1 week if you know how to take care of it.
Merry X'mas guys :)
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/25/2007 07:58:00 AM
This is my first time joining starwalk, it's a 10km walking event organized by The Star, from Pisa to The Star office and continue to the route to airport and turn back to Pisa.
I haven't exercise for like 1 month since I had a bad sprain on my ankle, I thought my ankle has fully recovered and ready to participate in this walk but after the walk, my ankle got swollen like a "char siew pau" ... hmpfh!
I had to wake up at 430am in the morning, fetched V and Chee Yhan and off we went to mcD greenlane for breakfast. There were hell lotta people when we reached Pisa, The Star reported that there's a total of 11k people participated in this event.
Stranger uncle was peeping at me when I took this photo.
Approximately 730am we officially started the walk.
5km mark: Star office, half way through the journey...there's 100 plus for the participants to rejuvenate themselves.
I wonder if MPPP workers or the organizers of the event will clean the paper cups XD
"People mountain people sea" 人山人海!
It took us ( V, me and Chee Yhan ) 1hour and 41 mins to finish the 10km walk, that's 10 mins to walk 1km, not bad haha. We all obtained a certificate that we finished the walk within the permitted time ( which is 2 hours ). I rolled the cert and put it in my pocket, which I lost it after squeezing my way through the crowd to get 2 free cups of 100 plus. bah....
1254, my starwalk number....
And tadaaaaaaaa! 1254 was the first prize on Magnum on Starwalk day itself... :) :) :)
Don't freaking ask me to treat... I didn't buy :( but my dad did.
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/22/2007 03:05:00 AM
20th Dec - Erm...new one...2 character, nuff said! got my right ear lobe pierced as well...Industrial pierce, I still miss you
P/S: I'm crazy and my almost full pack of ciggies went missing today...cibai betui...
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/20/2007 11:44:00 AM
14th December - I nearly got my 2nd tattoo done 2 days ago . Today right after work, I drove down to Pragin Mall excitedly hahaha, Yhan should know it better than anyone else, I've been bugging her in the office telling her how excited I am and I couldn't wait until it's time.
KanGary preparing the his tattoo tools
DIY or DIE ><
It took only 1 hour + to complete this. There's my name JC in the skull's eyepatch. It's on my left arm.
After that, I went to meet up with Yhan and Alex, chit chat a bit, went netcity and off I went home :)
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/20/2007 11:19:00 AM
Saw this cute little devil when I was browsing for designs for my first tattoo...damn it was cute.
I showed it to the gang and we were saying that Nutz will be the perfect person who get this tattoo done.
I've forgotten who started it, but the gang was saying to pay me 500 bucks or something if I'd dare to get this tattoo done. Well, actually I'm ok with this cute little shit, I told them I don't mind and after the gang knew this crazy fellow me would really get it done for 500 bucks, they reduced the price to 200 bucks, baah...
Found another cute little tattoo that suits Nutz after when I was getting my second tattoo haha.
This one is classic, chick with a ribbon, flowers, rainbow and erm..stars? The gang then dared me 1000 bucks to get it done =.=
I don't mind getting it done on my ass...but what would a girl think if they saw this cute little thing on your ass?!
Nutz....they both really suit you a lot, I think Gary wouldn't even charge you a cent! :)
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/20/2007 10:09:00 AM
The thoughts of getting a tattoo has been in mind since I was 5 years old...one fine day, I was browsing a tattoo galleries book and saw this lovely devil and after bugging Gary for like 1 week, he got fed up ( I guess ), and decided to do it for me. *evil laugh*
erm..tattoo blueprint on my right leg
Doing the outline, yes I have to shave...
almost done!
I put up that face...it wasnt pain at all, that's a serious Gary working on the tattoo
Job's done!
After getting this tattoo, I was like spammed with lotta questions, most common one was does tattooing hurt? Here's some Q&A for your reference if you decide or think of getting a tattoo!
1. How does it feels when you're doing your tattoo?
I'd classified myself as having a medium level of pain tolerance dude, the pain is not unbearable, in fact, you'd miss the pain after that. It's like having a penknife or something sharp slice through your skin when the tattoo needle goes through your skin...and after that, it's nothing.
2. Is it a hassle or is there any aftercare for your tattoo?
The worst part of tattoo...is when the time it recovers, it feels so damn itchy and you couldn't or shouldn't farking scratch it. I just let it heal naturally, but if there's any tattoo aftercare products in Penang, I'd love to get one.
3. Is tattoo addictive?
Yes...it's like you're smoking ciggies, you finished one and immediately you thought of smoking another one.
4. I wanna do a tattoo but I don't know if my mom would like it / don't allow.
Well, just go ahead and get it done. Your mom wouldn't disown you for your tattoo.
5. But I don't know which design should I pick!
Go online and browse...www.bmeink.com, that should give you an idea of what tattoo you want or consult your tattoo artist.
6. I don't have money to do the tattoo!
Ask from your mom, let her know that tattoo is just a minor body mod compared to something like this.
Or alternatively, find some ways to earn some money, you'll feel more satisfying when you finally get your tattoo with your hard earned cash :P
Or ultimately, if you don't have the money, don't do tattoo =.="
Note: Make sure you like the tattoo...it's permanent and it costs much more money and pain involved to remove it :P
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/19/2007 01:48:00 AM
Friends are telling me to get over it and start a new life without her. But the truth is, I couldn't get over it, at times the grief hits me back at the most unexpected time or occasions, she has been like one of the closest family members in my life for 5 years. Been dreaming of her a lot lately....
"You never get over losing someone whom you truly love,
You only learn to live without them..."
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/17/2007 03:51:00 PM
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/15/2007 08:51:00 AM
12nd Dec - Slept around 130am yesterday, was one hella sleepy in the company and I was like having a big mood swing ( PMS ) and couldn't focus on my work at all, the thoughts of not having my industrial piercing done still waiving in and out of my mind. And so I thought "hey, why not I get an ear lobe or helix piercing first?"
Adrenaline rushing, I took half day leave and went down to Pragin Mall looking for Gary again.
Gary was talking with a customer and I was looking around and saw a cool barbell, I took out my plastic stud and try to fit in the barbell into my earlobe tiny hole. To my dismay, it couldn't go through my tiny hole, and suddenly the idea of expanding my tiny hole to bigger hole crossed my mind and I bugged Gary to get it through for me, Gary forced the barbell through the hole and I felt that my ear is burning a bit just like the time when you got a new earlobe gun pierce.
Random pic: Pigdog Lian tries to act as he is smoking
I was flipping through the tattoo galleries and I saw one skull picture that caught my attention at first sight, okie...I'm seriously in love with this piece of art and so...I bugged Gary to do it for me on the spot since he was damn free and have been sitting there pumping ciggs like there's no tomorrow. Unanticipatedly, Gary said the pic was nice too and agreed to do it for me ( usually he'd talked lotta crap and only agree to do the tattoo for me after I bugged the hell outta him and the bugging process usually takes 1-2 weeks with SMS, phones and msn spams!).
He took his grandfather's time drawing out the blueprint sluggishly. I was so excited that time, waiting for him in great enthusiasm thinking that it would be done by today. Upon finish drawing, he told me he's having problems with his contact lens and sorta like seeing things unclearly and suggest that I could have my tattoo done on this coming Saturday. Feeling quite disappointed but I have no choice but to wait till Saturday, I don't want a smear or smudge outlined tattoo on my body!
Another tattoo artist arrived around 4pm+ and we started playing 3 leg Chor Dee! Been a long time since I chor dee and it's one of my favourite card game, we played it for like hours. The tattoo shop was like a club or gathering point, there were friends from the computer shop, VCD shop, handphone shop, restaurants coming over to have some chats and smoke some ciggies.
You can be fined up to Rm250 if you were caught smoking in Pragin Mall premises, this anti-smoking policy was never enforced months ago.
Random pic: Vodka!
At one point, I realized that I was actually admiring Gary's life, full of crazy fellows in his working place, chor dee'ing, playing chinese chess, talking jokes, smoking like hell, and even play monopoly lol and best of all, they can do whatever body modifications that they like, without restrictions, without the need of considerations whether your damn MNC company would accept your body mods.
Have you ever seen a tattoo artist with a comp science degree certificate? Maybe you'll meet one in years to come lol
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/13/2007 02:51:00 AM
8th Dec - Decided to have my industrial piercing done, I went down to Pragin Mall today. Much to my disappointment, the shop there does not have the right barbells stud that would fit my ears for the industrial piercing, either it's too long or too short...mcb. Had some chit chatting with Gary in his shop and went shopping with Abi, got myself a cool skele t-shirt :)
Random pic: Gurney drive
I went to Annie's wedding at night. Right after the wedding, I went to QE2 and meet up with the gang there. I got pretty wasted that night, I vomited on and off throughouth the night like there's endless liquid in my body until 7am in the morning and then I sorta past out, shortly around 2 hours of rest, I woke up and couldn't get to back to sleep, fucking hang over. This is the first time I vomit due to overdose of alcohol that my body could take in and it pretty much suck ass!
My mom said I was like a zombie panda that day, haha!
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/13/2007 02:33:00 AM
The thoughts of getting another piercing or tattoo has been running in my mind for quite some time, today aimlessly I'm browsing through bmezine...and saw this industrial piercing! omg...love at first sight...omg omg...
Lotta piercers said that it's the most painful shit to be done on the ear...but who cares? ;)
The healing process is quite long too I read. Main concern would be I might be going for an interview soon in the coming months and people here are quite close minded seeing something like this...
I'll get this piercing done...sooner or later :)
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/03/2007 01:37:00 AM
got it from a forwarded email...well, it just happened to me ;) 我读了...会心一笑, 已经冷眼看世界了...
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/02/2007 06:32:00 AM
I've started smoking recently...one fine afternoon, I was running outta ciggs and was wondering if my dad would go out and buy newspaper, and so I asked him, "hey dad, can you get me a pack of ciggie when ya out?"
He was like "Wah siao ar, buy cigg, don't la...", and he walked outta my room.
Minutes later, he came back with a cigg which he rolled and handed it to me...nah smoke this!
Dad...I love you...
Posted by
Jc Tan
12/02/2007 04:26:00 AM