Me and Blu slept damn early onna Friday night, around 9pm we slept and woke up only on the next day around 10am. We went to Gurney to watch the earliest movie available for Storm the Yard, the movie was around 2 hours, which I felt a bit bored :P
We noticed there were lotta ppl in front of Nike shop.

There were these 2 or women who dressed up and act like a fake robotic barbie dolls. Must be very tiring as the barbie girls have to keep moving thier whole body like a robot, swerving and waving thier hands in a slow and fix motion. Wonder how much they get paid a day for this kinda stuff! So how do you play with your barbie dolls? Do you peep under her skirts? 
Me and Blu actually wanted to buy a pet, it's a kinda tortoise sort of animal ( whatever ), the main different is these tortoises like to eat meat and they're more violent so I heard. We went to a few shops trying to find the pet we wanted but to no avail, so we went to Pragin Mall, there's 1 shop there selling all those aquarium stuff.

FUYOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, we saw some cute little digi dudes there dancing.
Weird thing is they never color thier face in yellow color! Bah...and they're not cute at all 
And and they're not fat enough!
Wondering if the digi dude get paid as good as the barbie girls hmm!
In the end, we still unable to find the violent tortoise we wanted.
On the next day - Sunday, we went to the pc fair, damn there was hell lotta ppl when we reach there around 1145am.
I got myself a Logitech mouse.
If you dont intend to buy anything, it's advisable that you dont go to the pc fair, one hella massive human traffic jam!